Virtual surgeon Professor Shafi Ahmed announced as keynote for IKC & Regener8 Annual Conference


Virtual surgeon Professor Shafi Ahmed announced as keynote for IKC & Regener8 Annual Conference

Date: June 4, 2018

Shafi Ahmed is a surgeon, teacher, futurist, innovator and entrepreneur, working on new technologies enhancing surgical education globally. His online videos have been watched hundreds of thousands of times, earning him the accolade of most-watched surgeon in human history.

His company Virtual Medics has developed the use of wearable technology in education and clinical practice. This has allowed the development of a web-placed platform to stream live and interactive teaching. They have recently released a global surgical curriculum.

In May 2014, using Google Glass, he performed and streamed a live interactive operation to 14,000 students and trainees across 132 countries and 1100 cities.

He is the cofounder of Medical Realities – a group offering surgical training products, specialising in virtual reality, augmented reality and serious games. In 2016, in collaboration with Barts Health,  Medical Realities and Mativision, he performed the world’s first virtual reality operation recorded and streamed live in 360 degrees. It was viewed by 55,000 people in 140 countries and 4,000 cities and reached 4.6 million people on Twitter. This event was covered worldwide on over 400 newspaper and online articles including BBC Click and Sky News, ABC News.

His work has been featured on Wired, The Guardian, The Telegraph, ABC News, CNET, Verge, Huffington Post, and Tech China.

In 2016, he performed the world’s first live operation using Snapchat Spectacles where he trained 200 medical students and surgical trainees, which was covered by Time magazine, The BBC and Cosmopolitan. The operation has been viewed over 100 000 times.

He is the cofounder and Medical Director of Hearthy an open source blockchain company and is a non-executive director of Medic creations.


Date: 29th June, 2018 @ 10:00 AM Registrations

Location: Horizon Conference Centre, Leeds

“Medtech innovation: best practice”

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